
Elaine L. Chao

这段演讲是现任美国交通部长的赵小兰(Elaine L. Chao),给孩子们的演讲,是比较好的英语学习材料。



Dear children,

The world as we all know now would change a great deal during your lifetime. And as you face these changes, which will bring both challenges and opportunities, remember that your attitude, how you face these changes will be key. You can choose to face the future with optimism, determination and excitement.

When we first came to America, there were so few Asian Americans in America. There was less than 1 percent of Chinese in America. We didn’t have any friends, we have no family members, we didn’t speak English, we didn’t know the country, we didn’t understand the customs, the tradition, the culture, so everything was new and strange, and everything was difficult.

My sisters and I all came to America not speaking a word of English. And we learned in the first year. So in the third grade, I sat in the third grade classroom, not understanding a word that was being said by the teacher and I would just copy everything that was on the blackboard onto my notebook.

My parents had tremendous hope and optimism, determination and also a great sense of excitement for facing the future.

And every night, my father would come back from his work, tired but nevertheless, he always make time to go through my notebook with me and translate that day’s lesson.

So when you have problems in your life, it’s very important that you choose to be positive, optimistic and look forward. You know if I have ever thought that I would have lots of difficulties, moving ahead in my life and career because I was young, because I was female, because I was a minority, I would never give out a bit in my move.

So I think it’s very important for you to be positive, to be optimistic and to have self confident that you can do whatever you want to do.

Dear children,

Advancement in your career comes only with hard work, education and sacrifice.

You know, school is only the first step, it’s essential that you get a good education and you get into the best school that you can. The school is not the final step, it’s just the beginning.

So it’s really important after the school is over to continue to grow, to work hard, to learn and to see how important it is to get along with other people.

I think the Chinese emphasize, you know, people to people relationship. That is very important because in the workplace, the people to people relationship would be very key.

So hard work is a necessity. There is no compromise on hard work. Beyond that, there are other attributes that are successful to your life. And that’s very important to learn as well.

My parents always taught me and my sisters to work very hard even when we were at home, we were taught to help my mother and help my father around the house, outside in the garden, so we had very little leisure time.

We work all the time but we found work interesting and exciting and when I was at my jobs I always put in longer hours than anybody else. I worked longer into the evening, I worked at the weekends, not because I was trying to show off, but because I was really interested and I wanted to do a good job.

I was always very grateful to whoever gave me a job so that I want to do my very very best to merit that person’s trust in giving me the job. So I was interested in my work. I was grateful to have the opportunity and I want to reciprocate, return the confidence that other people had in me.

You know everybody has sacrifices, everybody has things they like to do. What if you really want to succeed and move ahead, there will be some elements on what you like to do that you would not be able to do.

So for example, if you like to go to the movies every Saturday, sometimes when you work, you can’t afford to go to the movies every weekend. You know if you like to spend all your time with your friends, sometimes you can’t. You have to work, and do a good job.

So there are sacrifices whatever it is you like, there will be sometimes you would be asked to sacrifice doing some of the things you like for some of the things you think are necessary. That’s just the natural part of life.

Dear children,

Be grateful for all the good things in your life: your parents, your family, your teachers, your friends, good health.

You know, when you are young, you don’t feel grateful. You kind of expect that your parents will be there and that your teachers will always be there and you don’t think much about it.

But as you get on in life, you’ll realize that your parents, your family are the true treasures of life, and that your teachers are there to care for you as well.

And so as you get older, you develop a sense of gratefulness to be thankful for the basic things in life that are most important, and that is: family, friends, your teachers and good health. Now for those of you that have grandparents if you see they have good health, that is a blessing.

But when I was a little girl, we had just arrived in America, and we didn’t have very much money and yet all the little girls had Barbie dolls and so my dream was to have a Barbie doll, but of course my parents couldn’t afford it.

But somehow overtime my parents save up enough money to buy me a little Barbie doll and my mother made all the clothing for my Barbie doll. And she even made a house for Barbie so that we didn’t have to spend money to buy in the store.

So my mother was a wonderful mother, she cared for her husband, and she cared for her daughters so well our home was so lacking in financial resources, we were not wealthy at all, but she managed to create such a comforting secure home for all of us.

So when you think about what is good in your life, you know, be thankful and be grateful for the big things but also for the little things, like I’m so grateful to my mother for having bought me not the Barbie doll but having the love to save so much to buy the doll, and then to make the clothes for her just so I would be like the other little girls.

Dear children,

And finally remember to always help others, foster a generous sprit to others. You can choose to be happy or sad. Always choose to be happy to make life better for those around you. Having such an attitude will help you become a more fulfill person.

For Chinese, I think it’s really important that we emphasize Chinese emphasis of being a good person. This to the Chinese is very important and it’s also very precious and very true.

My parents have always been very very helpful to other people. You know to other Chinese students, for example, who come to the United States, they used to invite them to our house all the time for meals so that they can not feel so lonely for they had a friendly face that they can talk to.

On the day that the President of the United States announced my nomination as Secretary of Labor, my mother and the rest of my family were of course very excited but my mother also had a little secret of her own, a little news, and that was that she had received from her doctors that very terrible news that she had lymphoma, it’s a form of cancer.

But she didn’t tell me, nor anybody else in the family because it was my day and the whole family was so excited. So she did not want to shatter the happiness of that day by sharing the news that she had cancer.

So my mother was a very inspiring, very touching person and she was always thinking about other people, you know, her husband, her children, her community. She was a great volunteer. So she was always thinking about other people first before thinking about herself.

You know everybody talks about being happy these days, and I guess my secret to you is that happiness comes from you. It doesn’t come from outside and it doesn’t come from other people.

So you have the power to decide within yourself whether you want to be happy or sad and even when bad things are happening, you have the choice to either handle it well with courage, fortitude, or you can just completely give up. So you have that power to either be happy or to be sad.

And I would suggest that you always choose to be happy, be brave when bad things happen. And be able to handle any situation that comes along you know with great courage and with great fortitude. That will make you happy.











































赵小兰(Elaine Chao),1953年03月26日生于中国台北,美籍华人。2001年1月11日,当选总统乔治·沃克·布什提名赵小兰出任美国劳工部长。赵小兰是首位两度进入美国政府内阁的华裔女性,同时也是内阁中的第一位亚裔女性。赵小兰丈夫是美国参议院共和党领袖米奇·麦康奈尔。2017年1月31日,赵小兰宣誓就职美国第十八任交通部长。